In This Issue: Conference Exhibit | Short Communications | Pamphlet Distribution | Co-Laborer Organizations

Conference Update: An interview with Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk, Founding President

CONFERENCE BOOK EXHIBIT TO BENEFIT THE EMERGENT SCHOLARS. In the spirit of international collaboration, all IOTA members are welcome to bring one-two author’s copies of their books to be exhibited and sold at the Inaugural Conference on January 9-12, 2019 in Iasi, Romania. 100% of all proceeds of the Book Exhibit will go to support travel grants for emergent scholars to the next IOTA conference. The Exhibit has three goals: to provide international exposure for the work of the IOTA members; to offer first-rate publications at prices affordable to scholars in non-western countries; and to support future conference travel for the emergent scholars. The authors whose books will not be claimed at the exhibit could opt to donate them to the library of the Faculty of Theology in Iasi.


SHORT COMMUNICATIONS. IOTA’s Inaugural Conference will feature the work of 300 scholars in over sixty sessions. While the program is being finalized, some limited opportunities for a short communication still remain. If you wish to be considered for a short communication time slot (5-7 mins), send your inquiry together with a 100-word paper abstract to [email protected] by December 5, 2018.


PAMPHLET DISTRIBUTION. In the spirit of our mission of promoting international collaboration and the exchange of knowledge in the world of Orthodox scholarship, IOTA welcomes the dissemination of approved material regarding the mission and purpose of Orthodox nonprofits or equivalent organizations, including seminaries, at our inaugural conference. In order to receive approval, please submit the appropriate form (download here)  to the IOTA Secretary at [email protected] by December 5, 2018.

CO-LABORER ORGANIZATIONS. Furthermore, in the same spirit, and wishing to provide a venue to showcase the worthy endeavors of Orthodox nonprofit or equivalent organizations, including seminaries, we invite them to become a Co-Laborer Organization with IOTA (1 Cor. 3), which will allow them to participate in our IOTA Co-Laborer Organizations Session. In this session, each organization will receive an eight-minute slot in which to explain and promote its mission and vision. In addition to being approved to disseminate mission-explanatory materials in the Book Sale area, the Co-Laborer Organizations will be able to distribute their materials at this session. The fee for Co-Laborer Organizations is $325. In order to receive approval, please contact the IOTA Secretary at [email protected] by December 5, 2018.


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The IOTA Officers recently approved a Data Privacy Policy in an effort to ethically respond to the data privacy needs of our time and as part of our ongoing efforts to comply with the regulations set forth by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted earlier this year. If you have any questions or concerns about our Data Privacy Policy or about our GDPR compliance, please contact IOTA’s Data Controller at [email protected].