International Governance Committee

The International Governance Committee (IGC) expands IOTA’s international representation and leadership. This committee consults directly with the Board of Directors on current and possible initiatives and offers the board global insight in order to better live out the mission to provide a forum for a worldwide interdisciplinary scholarly interaction within the context of the Orthodox tradition. The IGC policy can be seen here.

Current International Governance Committee Members:

  • Alison Ruth Kolosova, Tartu University (Tartu, Estonia)

Dr Alison Ruth Kolosova studied Theology at the St Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris, before gaining her PhD at the Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, UK. Her thesis focused on Nikolai Il`minskii and the influence of Russian Orthodox missions on the cultures of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples of the Mid-Volga region in the late 19th century. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Ethnology at Tartu University, Estonia where she is pursuing her research interests in the area of the inculturation of Orthodoxy among Russia’s non-Slavic peoples.

  • Philip Kariatlis, St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney, Australia)

Dr. Philip Kariatlis is Sub-Dean and Associate Professor of Theology at St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney, Australia). After taking an undergraduate degree in Theology from St. Andrew’s, he also graduated from the University of Sydney with a degree in Arts, majoring in Modern Greek. He received a Master of Theology and a doctorate from the Sydney College of Divinity, where he studied under Professor Gerard Kelly. His doctorate was in the area of ecclesiology, subsequently published Church as Communion: Gift and Goal of Koinonia (2011). His research interest lies in Church doctrine, specifically its existential and salvific character. He has written in several peer reviewed journals within Australia and abroad. He is currently a member of the Faith and Unity Commission of the National Council of Churches of Australia (since 2010) and Director of the Sydney College of Divinity.

  • Chris Knight, Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies (Cambridge, UK)

Fr. Christopher C. Knight is the parish priest of the Parish of the Holy Transfiguration in Walsingham, England, and a Senior Research Associate and Associate Lecturer of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge, He has a PhD in astrophysics, and prior to his retirement from secular work was for ten years the Executive Secretary of the International Society for Science and Religion. He has published over sixty papers and book chapters – mostly on the science-theology dialogue – and three books, the most recent of which is Science and the Christian Faith: A Guide for the Perplexed (SVS Press, 2020.) He is the co-chair of the IOTA Science and Theology Group and an advisor of the Athens-based Science and Theology around the World (SOW) project.