IOTA is a US non-profit organization, established in accordance with US and Illinois non-profit law and best practices, and governed by a self-perpetuating board of directors. We welcome members for the purpose of supporting the mission of IOTA, including attending conferences and promoting collaboration among Orthodox Christian scholars around the world.
As colleagues, IOTA members have obligations that derive from a shared community steeped in Church life, academic pursuits, and professional endeavors. IOTA members do not discriminate against or harass colleagues. They respect and defend the free inquiry of associates, even when it leads to findings and conclusions that differ from their own. IOTA members acknowledge academic debt and strive to be objective in their professional judgment of colleagues. IOTA members uphold the highest ethical and professional standards at all times. (Adapted from a recommended code of ethics for the academy.)
Membership Benefits include conference registration fee discounts; preferred conference housing rates; newsletters; 10% discount on IOTA merchandise.
Membership in IOTA constitutes positive consent for IOTA to use the data gathered on the membership form under the terms outlined in our data privacy policy.
Regular Membership ($45) is open to Orthodox scholars with doctorates in the fields pertinent to Orthodox Christian studies. Join Now to become a Regular Member
After you submit your membership payment, you will receive two confirmations: one from PayPal and the other from IOTA. If you do not receive them, check your “junk” folder.
Associate Membership ($45) is open to scholars of other faith traditions with doctorates and research interests in fields pertinent to Eastern Christian studies.
After you submit your membership payment, you will receive two confirmations: one from PayPal and the other from IOTA. If you do not receive them, check your “junk” folder.
Professional Membership ($45) is open to Orthodox professionals interested in Orthodox Christian studies.
After you submit your membership payment, you will receive two confirmations: one from PayPal and the other from IOTA. If you do not receive them, check your “junk” folder.
Community Membership ($45) is open to interested community members, including members of the clergy.
After you submit your membership payment, you will receive two confirmations: one from PayPal and the other from IOTA. If you do not receive them, check your “junk” folder.
Student Membership ($20) is open to students currently pursuing doctoral or other advanced degrees pertinent to Orthodox Christian studies.
After you submit your membership payment, you will receive two confirmations: one from PayPal and the other from IOTA. If you do not receive them, check your “junk” folder.
Supported Membership ($20) is open to individuals with an annual income of $20,000 or less, or a person experiencing financial hardship, who fits the requirements for regular, affiliate, or professional membership.
After you submit your membership payment, you will receive two confirmations: one from PayPal and the other from IOTA. If you do not receive them, check your “junk” folder.
Institutional Membership is open to Orthodox Christian institutions, such as seminaries, academies, centers, societies, and publishing houses. Institutional membership starts at $1,000 and includes up to ten annual memberships for individuals representing the same institution. For details, contact IOTA Treasurer.