Study Opportunities at the Moehler Institute for Ecumenism
Paderborn, Germany

Catholic German Bishops’ Conference provides three unique study opportunities for young scholars and pastors from Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches.

  1. The first scholarship program is for those who would like to improve and broaden their language skills and acquire the ability to read theological literature in German. The scholarship funds intensive course in German language as well as coursework at the Johann Adam Moehler Institute for Ecumenism in Paderborn, introducing you to Western church history, the history of theology in Western Christianity, the development of the ecumenical movement, and the current state of inter-church relations.  Applications must be submitted by March 31, 2025. The application requirements include: 1) at least a Bachelor’s degree in theology or equivalent; 2) a letter of recommendation from an Orthodox bishop; 3) and basic knowledge of German (level A1 – A2). The academic year begins on September 1 and starts with an introductory German course and common experience events. Upon the successful completion of the program, the participants will receive a language certificate from the University of Paderborn and a certificate from the Moehler Institute.

  2. The second program is intended for doctoral students with an advanced proficiency in theological German. The fellowship funds one to three months of doctoral research in Germany on a topic of your dissertation.

  3. The third program is also intended for those with an advanced proficiency in theological German. The program offers a one- to two-semester fellowship to work on a research project together with a German colleague.

For each program, the scholarships cover tuition, fees, and basic living expenses. The participants are encouraged to raise funds from their parishes and other sources in order to cover their travel to and from Germany.

For more information on all three types of scholarships, go to the Moehler Institute’s website: (in German and English). For inquiries, send an email to: [email protected]. Please identify yourself as a person inquiring about the IOTA Future Leaders Program.