IOTA in the News
Fr. Jonathan Proctor, “The Church Meets in Volos: A Non-Academic’s Impressions of the Second IOTA Mega-Conference,” Public Orthodoxy, March 24, 2023.
Anthony J. Elia, “Seeking Peace in Greece: An SMU Assistant Dean’s Trip Kindles Hope for a Scarred World,” Dallas Morning News, March 4, 2023. Also at SMU (Southern Methodist University) Blog.
Alexei Milyutin, “Mission et l’eglise Orthodox, Volos, IOTA-2023,” February 18, 2023.
“International Orthodox Theological Association’s Second Mega-Conference,” Center for Orthodox Christian Studies Newsletter, Fordham University, February 2023 Newsletter.
Patricia Fan Bouteneff, “Letter from Volos,” Axia Women, February 2, 2023.
“Visit of the Delegation of the New Georgian Delegation to Volos,” Ertsulovneba TV report, January 25, 2023. In Georgian with English subtitles.
“Conference of European Churches at the International Orthodox Theological Association,” CEC website, January 25, 2023
“SVOTS Faculty, Students take part in IOTA Conference 2023,” St Vladimir’s Seminar Website, January 25, 2023
Regula Zwahlen, “Internationale Konferenz für orthodoxe Theologie diskutiert Herausforderungen der Zeit,” Nachrichtendienst Östliche Kirchen, January 25, 2023
“The International Orthodox Conference with an Emphasis on Contemporary Church Problems,” Dveri na Pravoslavieto, January 20, 2023. In Bulgarian.
“OCA Participants at IOTA Conference in Volos, Greece,” Orthodox Church in America, January 20, 2023
Daniel Galadza, “The Impact of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine is Increasing, Its Voice is Better Heard,” Ukrainian Voice of America, January 19, 2023.
Press Release: “Historic IOTA Conference Concludes in Volos, Greece,” January 18, 2023.
“The Participants of the Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association Discussed the Issues of the Eastern Catholic Churches and the War in Ukraine,” The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church press office, January 17, 2023.
Assaad Elias Kattan, “The International Orthodox Theological Association Conference in Volos,” January 15, 2023. In Arabic.
“The Work of the Theology Faculty of the University of Sofia Presented at the International Conference in Volos,” Dveri na Pravoslavieto, January 14, 2023. In Bulgarian.
Meagan Saliashvili, “A historic meeting of Orthodox Christian scholars convenes to confront divisions and war,” Religion News, January 13, 2023. Also at Church Leaders (Jan 16); and at Catholic Culture.
“The Faculty and Students of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Sofia Participate in the World Conference ‘The Mission and the Orthodox Church,'” Dveri na Pravoslavieto, January 12, 2023. In Bulgarian.
Press Release: “International Orthodox Theological Association Conference Opens in Volos, Greece,” January 12, 2023.
Conference participants at Church of Sts Constantine and Helena, Volos, Greece