Conference Rules and Structure
One Paper Per Scholar Rule
Scholars are welcome to submit multiple proposals to multiple groups but will ultimately be selected to present within only one IOTA session to maximize the diversity of voices. The following are the exceptions to this general rule:
- Chair of a session at which one is not speaking.
- Keynote speaker.
- Plenary panels (by invitation).
- Book review sessions (no more than one book review session).
- Co-laborer sessions.
- Round Table Sessions (no more than one round table session).
- Workshops or meetings held by other organizations other than IOTA during, before, or after the conference period.
Note: In cases where a paper being presented has multiple authors, only the presenter(s) will be listed in the conference program and this(these) persons are subject to the one-paper-per-scholar-rule.
Conference Sessions
There are many formats for IOTA Conference sessions. Generally speaking, it is required that scholars from at least two countries present within each session.
- Plenaries
- Plenaries are invitation-only and will be organized by the IOTA Board, which welcomes suggestions for topics and speakers.
- A speaker at a plenary may additionally offer a paper within a conference session.
- Plenaries will generally run 90 minutes with each speaker offering a 10 minute presentation, followed by moderated discussion.
- Conference Sessions
- Each established IOTA Group is encouraged to organize at least two sessions for the mega-conference.
- The format and length of conference sessions may vary, but typically scholars will each offer 17-20 minute papers will time for Q&A. Here are some possibilities:
- 90 min – 4 speakers
- 120 min – 5-6 speakers
- 150 min – 7-8 speakers
- Types of Conference Sessions
- Invited: An IOTA Group determines the topic and invites scholars to offer 17-20 minute formal papers.
- Open: An IOTA Group issues a Call for Papers (CFP) and chooses proposals for 17-20 minute formal papers.
- Hybrid: A combination of an Open and Invited sessions with formal academic papers of 17-20 minutes.
- Joint: Co-organized by two or more IOTA Groups in which two or more IOTA Groups organize either an invited or CFP session composed of 17-20 minute formal papers.
- Book Review: Much like an Invited session, an IOTA Group invites scholars to respond to a recent and important publication. Participants in Book Review sessions may also give a formal paper in another type of session.
- Special Session: In which an individual IOTA member or an IOTA Co-laborer proposes a session to the IOTA Board. Upon approval, the Co-laborer will organize the session. Special Sessions may be of the Invited or Round Table type.
- Round Table: Sponsored by an IOTA Group or proposed by an IOTA member or Co-Laborer, with short, informal responses to a theme offered by a group of panelists. Participants in Round Table sessions may also give a formal paper in another type of session.
- Co-laborer: A session dedicated to organizations which are IOTA Co-laborers in which each representative of an organization has a short amount of time (typically, seven minutes) to present its mission and goals. Participants in the Co-laborer session may also give a formal paper in another type of session.
- Short Communications: a non-thematic, “potpourri” session in which scholars present shorter papers, typically seven minutes in length.